Namespace Cobilas.GodotEngine.Utility
- Coroutine
This class represents a corrotine process.
- CoroutineManager
This class is responsible for managing all coroutines.
- DebugLog
Static class to print messages to the console.
- GDDirectory
Represents a directory file.
- GDFeature
This class contains some Features pre-defined by the engine.
- GDFile
This class is a representation of a file.
- GDFileBase
This is a base class for other classes that represent files or directory files.
- GDIONull
This class is a representation of a null file.
- Gizmos
Gizmos are used to give visual debugging or setup aids in the Scene view.
- NullNode
A null representation of the Godot.Node class.
- Randomico
The class allows the creation of pseudo random numbers.
- Screen
Gets or changes game screen information.
- CustonResolutionList
Stores custom resolutions.
- DisplayInfo
Contains information from a specific screen.
- FixedRunTimeSecond
This class represents a delay in seconds to methods that return IEnumerator and use the keyword Yield.
This class is performed in the _PhysicsProcess(float).
- LastFixedRunTimeSecond
This class represents a delay in seconds to methods that return IEnumerator and use the keyword Yield.
This class is performed in the _PhysicsProcess(float).
This class allows the corrotine to be called after the methods of updating the current scene.
- LastRunTimeSecond
This class represents a delay in seconds to methods that return IEnumerator and use the keyword Yield.
This class is performed in the _Process(float).
This class allows the corrotine to be called after the methods of updating the current scene.
- Resolution
Stores information about a screen resolution.
- RunTimeSecond
This class represents a delay in seconds to methods that return IEnumerator and use the keyword Yield.
This class is performed in the _Process(float).
- IYieldCoroutine
A base interface for all Yield class.
- IYieldFixedUpdate
Yield Class to be excited in the _PhysicsProcess(float)
- IYieldUpdate
Yield Class to be excited in the _Process(float)
- IYieldVolatile
The IyieldVolatile interface allows the Yield class to change the type of process.
This interface allows you to change the type of update if the object will use the _Process(float) or _PhysicsProcess(float)Coroutine process.
- GDFileAttributes
Represents the file attributes.
- ScreenMode
Represents screen modes.